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Showing posts from April, 2022

National Socialism

When we talk about Nazism that rose in Germany we often relate it to the patriots who wanted revenge and gave rise to Nazism, there was also a difficult economy at that time that people often relate it to. Others say Germans are just that, war hungry which of course is an insult to all Germans who fought the Nazies with all their might who sacrificed themselves. Another popular explanation is of personal feelings , like Hitler was unable to attend the art school or he was homosexual but was unable to show his feelings which of course is a very weak explanation. Another is that Nazies were able to fool people through propaganda, and miscommunication and were able to take control which of course is also a weak explanation because it was through democracy that they achieved power, and as stated earlier, in 1920s 1930s Germans were the most educated people in the world with high level of education. The primary cause of the rise of Nazism was not economy or revenge but rather the abstract p...

The deep web

  When talking about the deep web we generally get afraid, thinking about the dark web, the hackers and the crazy scary stories. I am not saying that these stories are fake, matter of fact they are 100% true but that is not the deep web that we are so afraid of. Those stories are less than 1% of the dark web which is different from the deep web. In standard terms deep web is the part of the internet that is inaccessible through standard search engines like google yahoo or Bing. The deep web generally contains free for service websites, private Databases, non indexed websites and the dark web . Yes THE DARK WEB. Search engines uses bots to crawl the internet and provide the most relevant and most desired websites based on what you search and what others have searched. And search engines like google , Bing etc uses something called SEO, which stands for search engine optimization. The algorithm basically goes to different index on the website pulls the information , analyz...